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Things to Consider Before Caring for Your Aging Parents

Moving an elderly parent or relative into your home is not as uncommon as you might think. Many caregivers have elderly parents living with them so they can better take care of them. This can also put them closer to grandchildren; if your parent is still mobile, they may be able to help around the home. However, it may be financially less expensive than putting your parents into a nursing home if you are not prepared for the possible consequences.

You Might Want to Consider Life Insurance

Generally, couples choose to get life insurance if they have young children in the home because it can protect their children if anything happens to the parents. However, you may want to consider life insurance for the same reason when moving elderly parents into your home. If something were to happen to you, the proceeds from the policy could be used to pay for their car. Because you may not need this type of coverage forever, you may want to consider getting term life insurance, which tends to be more budget-friendly and lasts for a certain period. If you’re wondering whether term coverage is worth getting, you can review a guide to help you make the right decision.

You’ll Want to Consider Your Current Relationship

Think about your current relationship with the family member. Moving them into your home won’t help the relationship if you have trouble getting along. Every family has conflict, but the key is to agree to be on different sides and get over any anger quickly. If you can work out your disagreements, you may be on the road to bonding with them in a new way once they move in. Mental illness can also change personalities, and this is often for the worse. Ask yourself if you can handle a changing personality if you have dementia. It can lead to a person becoming paranoid or angry, or it could cause them to become very docile. Either way, you will want to have a backup plan.

Your Home May Need Some Changes

It is ideal for an elderly person to be on the first floor so they do not need to go up the stairs to come in. if there are steps near one of the doors, you may need to install a ramp leave home, even if they have a walker or wheelchair. Doorways through commonly used doorways will likely need to be at least 32 inches wide or more. Depending on where your family member will be sleeping, you may need to make some changes. A child might need to give up a room, or you may need to convert another room into a bedroom. Ask yourself whether everyone will still have enough privacy.

You Should Speak with Your Family First

Having a parent move in can give your children a chance to bond with a grandparent they may not have otherwise seen very much. The grandparent may be able to pass on family history and teach your kids important skills. Living with a grandparent means your children may need to sacrifice some of their own time to help with the extra work, and their needs may be put somewhat on the back burner because of their grandparent. See how your spouse is feeling too. If your parent is still in good health, you might not need to give them as much attention, but if they are struggling, you may need to work harder to meet their needs. See if your spouse is prepared for this sacrifice.

You Will Want to Talk about House Rules

When you live with someone, your relationship can change, and you will become your parent’s primary caregiver, which is a change from how your relationship started. Sometimes, adults adjust to this role well, but others may become angry or depressed. Ask yourself whether your parent will accept your help and if they can follow your house rules. Setting boundaries is important to help everyone transition to this new phase of life, but only if your parent can follow them.